Manchester Warehouse

Shopify, Web App Development
Year: 2021
Technology: Webpack, Liquid, SCSS, JavaScript/jQuery, Bootstrap, Shopify
Categories: Shopify, Web App Development


Manchester Warehouse is a leading provider of storage and distribution services, serving customers in Australia and around the world. The company's website,, is built using cutting-edge technology that enables customers to access information about the company's services, place orders, and track shipments easily and efficiently.

Some key technologies used in the development of include: Content Management System (CMS), E-commerce Platform, Responsive Web Design (RWD), Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Web Analytics, Security Measures. These technologies, along with others, help to ensure that provides customers with an effective, efficient and secure online experience.


In conclusion, the technology used in the development of the Manchester Warehouse website,, plays a critical role in ensuring that customers have access to a seamless and efficient online experience. The website is designed to be mobile-friendly, secure, and easy to use, with features such as a robust e-commerce platform, search engine optimization, and web analytics that help to enhance the customer experience.

The company's commitment to using the latest technologies reflects its dedication to providing its customers with the best possible service and support. With its focus on innovation and customer satisfaction, Manchester Warehouse is poised for continued success in the future.